Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Be Careful With Nuts

So yesterday I ate a lot of almonds. Almonds are fine on my diet but I've always noticed my stomach doesn't feel very good when I eat them. For some reason I went overboard yesterday and had breakfast made with almond flour, unsweetened carob covered almonds for my morning snack and roasted almonds for my afternoon snack. Besides gaining 2 lbs this morning (!!!), probably due to the almonds since I didn't eat a whole lot else, I was laying in bed last night and had a horrible allergic reaction. I was itching so bad I was crying and ended up falling asleep cuddling ice packs. Needless to say, I woke up this morning and threw all of my almonds and things containing almonds in the trash, I will miss my almond butter the most :( I guess the moral of this story is to listen to what your body is telling you...I've always felt kinda weird when I ate almonds so I should have known better than to consume large quantities of them. Its the same thing with appetite...listen to your body, it knows when you are full! If you are eating something just because it tastes good, not because you are still hungry, put it in the fridge and save it for later, it will still be there in a few hours or the next day and your body will be able to use it for energy rather than packing it away as fat because you've already had your fill!

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